
College Student and Hobby Artist

My name is Rendee (or Ren).
Computer Engineering Student.

Welcome to my Art Portfolio. I'll update this site from time to time as I create new illustrations. I'm still far away from my desired goal in art and this will serve as a place where I can view my progress. Thank you for visiting this corner!*made this with desktop sizes so might look weird on mobile.





2020 (former handle)

2019 and earlier

Commission Status: CLOSED

For now, my commission status is currently set as closed. I'm not confident enough yet in my current level of art to deliver and as such would not be taking them for the time being. If you went in here and considered my art ever so slightly to be good enough to even consider commissioning me, I feel honored and would like to thank you!In the meantime, I am currently working on my fundamentals and nailing the look that I want my art to have.Cheers!